Historic Preamble
In November, 1935 Dr. Reginald V. Harris, K.C., P.G.M. of Halifax, N.S. was issued a Dispensation by Supreme Magus Frederick W. Hamilton of The High Council Societas Rosicrucianae of the United States of America, whose See was in Boston, Massachusetts. He was authorized to organize in Canada a College of Societas Rosicruciana under the tentative name of “Nova Scotia College.”
The initial proposed membership was R.V. Harris of Halifax, J.A. Evans of Toronto, Alex. Robb of Regina, R.J. Meekren of Stanstead, P.Q., and A.J.B. Milborne of Montreal, – all members of the New Jersey College of the above High Council.
The plan was to form one College across Canada. Other colleges were to be formed as conditions merited, until a High Council for Canada could be established in fraternal relationship with the Order in England, Scotland and the United States.
Masons known to be in sympathy with the aims and purposes of the Order were invited to join, so that in September 1936 a meeting representing the nucleus of the Nova Scotia College was held at the Royal York in Toronto. In attendance were Dr. R.V. Harris, Dr. J.A. Evans, W.J. Dunlop, Alex Robb, E.H. Munroe and C.F. Brookes.
It was then decided to establish a College for Ontario and that Bishop W.C. White should be invited to be its head.
Bishop White accepted this invitation and upon Dr. Harris’ recommendation to the High Council at Boston, the necessary Dispensation was issued on October 20th, 1936 by Supreme Magus Frederick W. Hamilton IX°.
At the invitation of Bishop White, as the newly appointed Chief Adept, a meeting was held on January 23rd 1937 at Hart House, University of Toronto. Fourteen brethren attended and assisted in formally establishing the College for Ontario.
In 2011 a small group from the Ontario College defected from the S.R.I.C. and became a College of the S.R.I.A. However, they never followed the protocols of the Society and had refused to return the Charter, which still belongs to the S.R.I.C. The College currently meets at The Faculty Club of The University of Toronto.